Laganini j.d.o.o. was created through the synergy of the Veronika rubac craft, founded in 2013. and the new company behind which is the Laganini j.d.o.o. team. and Čakalić interijeri j.d.o.o.
Our goal is to become a recognizable and indispensable component in our environment in the shortest possible time, and primarily on the wings of quality, trust and knowledge, and in terms of cleaning and maintenance of business and residential premises, help in the house, house handyman...
Our almost family relationship with the spaces we maintain creates additional security for our clients, that they got exactly what they wanted for their money. On the waves of purity Laganini!
Klijenti koji su nam pružili povjerenje
Tijekom svih godina našeg postojanja trudimo se razvijati stručne i kvalitetne suradnje s privatnim i javnim klijentima